Come to a test screening for “Jason and Shirley: Revisited” (2024) starring Jack Waters and Sarah Schulman, cinematographer and editor Ned Stresen Reuter, directed by Stephen Winter. Set in 1966 at the Chelsea Hotel, this is a speculative “behind the scenes” look at the real-life making of the seminal documentary “Portrait of Jason” (1967) that was directed by the wealthy Warhol-era filmmaker Shirley Clarke (Schulman) and starred Jason Holliday (Waters), a Black, gay, middle-aged street hustler and would-be cabaret performer. Power games ensue.

There will be a Q&A with Stephen, Jack, and more after the film screening so stick around!

Doors at 7:30pm
Screening at 8pm
Q&A after the film


After a hiatus of a few years, MIX NYC is back with screenings that are dedicated to creating a cultural community where contemporary queer experimental filmmakers can exhibit and garner support for their work.

Join us at the screening of “Jason and Shirley: Revisited” on Wednesday August 14th, at 8pm, for the latest in a series of screenings at various locations around New York City marking the return of MIX NYC: The New York Queer Experimental Film Festival!

**MIX will be accepting donations at this event.**